Dressing Equipment
Cyanide leaching equipment

Deoxygenation tower

[Catalog:Cyanide leaching equipment] [Date:2017-11-7 12:08:25] [Hits:] [Return]

Deoxygenation tower is a kind of vacuum deoxidation equipment used for deoxygenating before cyanidation pregnant solution displacement. It is equipped with spray thrower and leveling device. A batten grid structure is adopted for its packing layer, with good adhesivity and deoxygenation effect better than that of plastic packing.
- Notes for Selection
It doesn't include a vacuum device.

Handing medium
Work temperature
Capacity of spraying
φ7000×3000 Cyanide liquor
Room temperature
16~37.5 550
φ1000×3000(3500) 700(774)
φ1400×4400 2304

Tel:015192366777  /  18615019569


Zhaoyuan Jinfeng Mine Machinery Co., Ltd.

Address: 453 Jincheng Road, Zhaoyuan